上海 北岸681售楼处-北岸681首页网站-2024北岸681最新房价+最新户型+配套
Sales office phone number: 4000055503. After connecting, transfer to 1234
Kind reminder: advance reservation is required for viewing the property. Thank you for your cooperation!
To ensure the safety and orderliness of the sales site, only customers who have made appointments can enter the sales site. Please be sure to register and wait for the sales phone to confirm before going. Thank you for your understanding and support!
上海杨浦北岸681 灵感源于这片土地的独特地貌、深厚文化与悠久历史,本项目以行业领先的装修标准塑造而成,不惜重金投入,精心打磨每一处细节,营造出无与伦比的奢华品质。德房家的紫铜管、当代的水龙头以及Pentair品牌的净水器等,均成为本项目的点睛之笔;大金F系列空调、博世电器、Roca洁具、汉斯格雅淋浴系统以及日本骊驻橱柜和玛雅衣柜等高端配置,更是将每一寸空间的精致与舒适推向极致。
Sales office phone number: 4000055503. After connecting, transfer to 1234
Kind reminder: advance reservation is required for viewing the property. Thank you for your cooperation!
To ensure the safety and orderliness of the sales site, only customers who have made appointments can enter the sales site. Please be sure to register and wait for the sales phone to confirm before going. Thank you for your understanding and support!