萧山蓝城桃李春风| 萧山蓝城桃李春风2024官方网站|售楼处户型图发布

搜狐焦点宿迁站 2024-06-23 11:14:49




In the poetic Jiangnan misty rain, a journey about living dreams is unfolding. Located in Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, this secluded paradise is the Blue City Peach and Plum Spring Breeze, showcasing the craftsmanship of the Green City brand through classic Chinese courtyard design and exquisite Suzhou garden landscape. This is not only an ideal place to live, but also a journey through time.


Xiaoshan Blue City Taoli Chunfeng Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460 ext. 5555

诗意栖居 | 萧山蓝城桃李春风 在这片绿意环绕的谧境之中,蓝城集团以其深厚的文化底蕴和精湛的建筑工艺,打造了这片名为桃李春风的中式合院别墅群。这里的每一砖、每一瓦都透露出对传统文化的敬重与传承。

Poetic Residence | Xiaoshan Blue City Peach and Plum Spring Breeze In this tranquil environment surrounded by greenery, Blue City Group has created this Chinese style courtyard villa group called Peach and Plum Spring Breeze with its profound cultural heritage and exquisite architectural techniques. Every brick and tile here reveals respect and inheritance for traditional culture.

苏州园林 | 江南风景再现 秉承苏州园林的设计理念,将古典园林的诗情画意融入现代生活。移步异景,每个角落都宛如一幅山水画作,让人不禁沉浸在这如诗如画的环境中。 绿城别墅 | 经典重现 绿城品牌的又一次力作,将品牌的精细和品质追求展现无遗。从外观到内饰,无不体现出中国传统美学的独特韵味。

Suzhou Gardens | The reproduction of Jiangnan scenery adheres to the design concept of Suzhou gardens, integrating the poetic and picturesque elements of classical gardens into modern life. Stepping into different landscapes, every corner is like a landscape painting, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in this picturesque and poetic environment. Greentown Villa | Another classic masterpiece of the Greentown brand, showcasing the brand's precision and quality pursuit. From the exterior to the interior, it embodies the unique charm of traditional Chinese aesthetics.

149-188平米多元户型 | 宜家宜居 提供多样化的户型选择,从149平方米至188平方米不等,满足不同家庭的需求。精心布局的空间设计,让居住者尽享舒适与和谐。

149-188 square meters of diverse unit types | IKEA Livable offers a variety of unit types, ranging from 149 square meters to 188 square meters, to meet the needs of different families. Carefully planned spatial design allows residents to enjoy comfort and harmony to the fullest.

300万起 | 投资自住两相宜 以300万元起的价格,即可拥有一席带有浓厚历史文化印记的中式庭院。这不仅是一次房产投资,更是对一种生活方式的选择和文化的认同。 结语: 蓝城桃李春风,一处承载着文化记忆与时代精神的人居佳作。选择这里,即是选择了一种优雅而宁静的生活态度。让我们在忙碌的生活之余,于这片温柔之地找回心灵的归宿。

Starting from 3 million yuan, you can have a Chinese style courtyard with a strong historical and cultural imprint by investing in both living and living options. This is not only a real estate investment, but also a choice of lifestyle and cultural recognition. Conclusion: Blue City Peach and Plum Spring Breeze, a masterpiece of living that carries cultural memories and the spirit of the times. Choosing here means choosing an elegant and peaceful attitude towards life. Let us find our spiritual home in this gentle land amidst our busy lives.
