中环桃源里/2025售楼处电话-中环桃源里首页网站-​中环桃源里售楼处欢迎您 | 楼盘详情丨样板间/价格/户型|停车位-容积率-小区环境

搜狐焦点宿迁站 2025-03-07 09:40:51


中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】 上海普陀中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

上海普陀中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】




Central Taoyuan Village Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460转7777 【 Marketing Center 】

Shanghai Putuo Central Taoyuan Village Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460转7777 【 Marketing Center 】

____Welcome to inquire about our professional one-on-one enthusiastic service! I need to make an appointment in advance to view the house

Central Taoyuan Village Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460转7777 【 Marketing Center 】

If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete the post. The 24-hour sales hotline of the online sales center is available

2023年,中环集团跟随上海中心城区转型战略重返普陀,于“上海市转型发展的示范区、中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】上海科技创新中心的重要承载区”普陀桃浦板块筑造中环·桃源里项目,以国企责任担当打造近零能耗标准“15+2低碳生活·未来社区”、六大林系主题生活花园、超万方商业综合体等生活场景,为普陀革新未来人居趋势。

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】



建筑类型:小高层 高层

户型面积:建面约83-177㎡ 二房-四房户型







Project address: Lane 117 Taoju Road and Lane 118 Taoju Road

Region: International Ecological Demonstration Zone of Zhichuang City

Building type: small high-rise building

Unit area: Approximately 83-177 square meters, two bedroom to four bedroom units

Decoration situation: Fine decoration

Plot ratio: 2.5

Greening rate: 35%

Total account: 604 households

Architectural style: Modern

Investor: Shanghai Zhonghuan Investment and Development (Group) Co., Ltd

高品质居住体验 近零能耗建筑标准

利用建筑围护结构性能提升及采用超高效率的空调、新风、生活热水、照明系统,做到社区的全面低碳节能,有效降低能耗成本同时,提升居住的舒适度与品质感。中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】其中三玻两腔双LOW-E玻璃、空气源热泵皆为超越区域市场标准的呈现。

极简美学立面 未来风格审美呈现


Project address: Lane 117 Taoju Road and Lane 118 Taoju Road

Region: International Ecological Demonstration Zone of Zhichuang City

Building type: small high-rise building

Unit area: Approximately 83-177 square meters, two bedroom to four bedroom units

Decoration situation: Fine decoration

Plot ratio: 2.5

Greening rate: 35%

Total account: 604 households

Architectural style: Modern

Investor: Shanghai Zhonghuan Investment and Development (Group) Co., Ltd

Central Taoyuan Village Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460转7777 【 Marketing Center 】

六大林系主题生活花园 描摹理想生活

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】项目打造“林荫集市”超万方商业综合体、“森林聚场”中央阳光草坪+会客廊架、“熊熊乐园”儿童主题活动区、“轻氧营地”林下会客花园、“仰生森林”长辈运动空间+宠物乐园以及“多肉花园”四大全龄架空层,为当代理想生活的多元美好赋予空间舞台。

五进式品质归家 构建当代桃源礼序

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】通过新桃源会客厅社区广场与独立社区会客大堂、林荫归家步道、中央景观聚场、品质入户单元昭示性景墙+专属入户铺装、首层精装大堂五大节点,赋予归家路途更多逸趣与美好。

三大健康社区体系 康养身心的愉悦


中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】


· 开放可视厨房:烹饪闲暇亲情流露

· 一体化客餐厅:宽享生活曼妙美好

· 主卧套间设计:私密天地礼赞优雅

· 主卫飘窗设计:一隅天地闲暇漫享

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】


· U型餐厨厅:纵享料理幸福时刻

· 双套间设计:礼遇家人尊容共享

· 客餐一体化:宽境阔绰相聚美好

· 宽阔大横厅:尺度之上奢享生活

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

国际创新之城 引流普陀升级

桃浦智创城,普陀十四五“一带一心一 城”规划重点区域,依托上海中环线,定位打造上海西北中心城区具有引领性的现代化城区,建设成为:“上海市转型发展的示范区、西北中心城区的新地标、产城融合发展的新亮点、上海科技创新中心的重要承载区”。

Central Taoyuan Village Sales Office Phone: 400-000-0460转7777【 Marketing Center 】

International Innovation City Flows Putuo Upgrades

Taopu Zhichuang City is a key area of Putuo's 14th Five Year Plan for "One Belt, One Heart, One City". Based on the Shanghai Central Ring Road, it is positioned as a leading modern urban area in the northwest central urban area of Shanghai. It has been built into a demonstration area for Shanghai's transformation and development, a new landmark for the northwest central urban area, a new highlight for the integration of industry and city development, and an important carrier area for Shanghai's scientific and technological innovation center.

磅礴开发势能 超越前滩徐家汇

桃浦智创城整体规划面积约 7.9 平方公里,中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】规划约117 万方高端住宅,约 207 万方商务办公、 约 76 万方科研用地,约 100 万方中央绿地,城市发展势能,磅礴可见。

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

百万方中央绿地 都会生态封面

约100万方规模中央绿地,中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】作为智创城区域转型升级的重要载体,参阅纽约中央公园为规划蓝本,由享誉国际的设计事务所 美国JCFO操刀规划。一期约50万方已建成开放,都会绿芯式鲜氧生活此刻即享。

国际教育资源 赋能文脉升级


一环两轨交通 速达市区中心

板块交汇 11 号线、15 号线、近邻中环,车行与公共轨道交通皆可快速抵达人民广场徐家汇等板块,与上海中心区域无界共融。

潮流购物主场 都会时尚领地

桃浦湾(TOP智创 A地块核心商业 -TOP ONE )、桃浦星品荟、白丽生活广场等品质商业在旁,另有大宁、真如、长风商圈环伺,多维购物体验一站式满足。

多维医疗配套 守护家人安康


国金体育中心 全维悦动身心

桃浦智创城冰上运动中心(国金体育中心),总面积约2920㎡, 拥有真冰滑冰场、游泳馆等数十大专业运动场地,全新运动潮流打卡地于此新生。

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】

国匠宏伟身姿 建筑时代风华


三大发展界面 笔著美好都会


国匠责任先行 谱写荣誉高光

· 2005年 中国房地产百强之星

· 2009年 上海房地产行业企业竞争力50强

· 2011年 首届“中国责任地产TOP100”诚信合作年度最佳企业

· 2015年 中国房地产开发企业500强

· 2018-2019年 上海市房地产开发企业50强

· 2018-2019年 商业用房开发总量10强/绿色地产10强

中环桃源里售楼处电话:400-000-0460转7777 【营销中心】




Basic knowledge of buying a house 12


Property ownership period: The house is a permanent property, but the land transfer period is different, such as 70 years for commercial residential properties and 40 years for commercial real estate.


Five certificates: including "Sales (Pre sale) License for Commercial Housing", "Construction Project Construction License", etc.


Unit type: When choosing a unit type, you should consider the orientation, opening, depth, etc.


Various types of "gold": Ruyi Xiang Jin, deposit, earnest money, etc., and earnest money has legal effect.


Gift area: such as bay windows, terraces, etc. Balconies are divided into convex balconies and concave balconies.


Loan interest rate: usually the benchmark interest rate.


Floor height and net height: Floor height refers to the vertical distance between the upper and lower floors, while net height refers to the distance from the surface of the lower floor to the lower surface of the upper floor.


Building types: such as low rise, multi story, high-rise, etc.


Building plot ratio and building density: Plot ratio refers to the ratio of all buildings within the planned construction land area to the planned construction land area, while building density refers to the ratio of the total base area of various buildings within the residential area to the residential area land.


Notes to be taken into account during the process of purchasing a house


1. Check the five certificates: Ensure that the developer has legal qualifications for construction and sales.


2. Evaluate purchasing ability: It is best to control monthly payments within 50% of total income to avoid affecting the quality of life.


3. Choose a developer with good reputation: Good developers have high qualifications, sufficient funds, and more reliable projects.


4. Pay attention to the orientation of the layout: the order of superiority and inferiority is due south, southeast, east, southwest, north, and west.


5. Choose the appropriate floor: The middle floor has good air quality and is convenient for travel.


6. Consider giving away area: If the balcony is divided into two types: enclosed and semi enclosed, all enclosed balconies will be counted as area, while semi enclosed balconies will only be counted as half of the area.


7. Verify property rights: Check the property ownership certificate, land use certificate and other documents of the house to confirm the ownership and property status of the house.


8. Pay attention to housing purchase policies: Understand relevant housing purchase policies to avoid purchasing failures or unnecessary risks caused by policy issues.


Practical housing advice


Prioritize choosing existing or near existing properties to avoid potential risks associated with pre-sale properties.


Pay attention to property and supporting facilities: Good property and complete supporting facilities can enhance the living experience.


Clarify the purpose of purchasing a house: self occupation or investment, different purposes will affect the choice of purchasing a house.


Rationally deal with housing prices: pay attention to the long-term value and investment potential of properties, and avoid losses caused by market fluctuations.
